About Me

What's in a name?
Freckled in Florida is the simplest and realest way to describe my family. When you take a ginger guy and a porcelain skinned girl and make babies, they are absolutely going to have skin that glows in the dark. Move them to Florida and you should buy some stock in sunscreen because we're going to support babyganics sunscreen singlehandedly. The struggle is real, y'all.
The Freckled Ones

The epitome of a ginger, this red headed, green-eyed man has had my heart since high school. He's funnier than anyone on TV (yea, even you, Jimmy Fallon), sweeter than my favorite cake (yellow cake with chocolate frosting in case you wanted to know), and is one of the godliest men I know. Doing life with him is more fun than I ever could've imagined.


Reuben is our blonde hair, blue eyed anomaly. If he wasn't Clint's clone and cut out of me, I wouldn't be convinced he was even ours. He's got the best sense of humor I've ever seen in a toddler and a heart of pure gold. He's sensitive and compassionate and I'm sure God will use him in big ways.


She's the newest addition to our freckled crew. Her skin is still unmarred, but her red hair is a dead giveaway that freckles are definitely in her future. She is as fiery as her hair. Feisty with strong opinions that she's not afraid to tell you about. More than all of that, her smile melts me. She doesn't just smile with her mouth. She smiles with her whole body.


That's me in the red dress. Apparently I need to do a better job of getting pictures taken of mysef without a baby or preschooler in my arms. At least it's a good problem to have. :-)

I am a Christ-following, husband-loving, child-raising, creative-thinking, introverted people lover. I'm a recovering diet coke addict. I binge watch too much TV on Netflix. I will go months without reading anything other than my Bible and then read 3 books in a week. I LOVE building relationships and struggle with small talk. Creating things makes me come alive in a whole new way. I get burned by the moonlight. I don't like the beach even though I just moved to West Palm Beach and feel the pressure to. Moving 12 hours from anything I know has been a challenge and I'm looking to connect with friends-both old and new.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

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