Friday, September 11, 2015

five on friday // 1

five random goodies from my brain

1//friends visiting

We have company this weekend! Our friend, Josh, came down to stay with us for the weekend. He and Clint are going to the Titans game in Tampa on Sunday. Reuben LOVES Josh and asked about him every single day when we told him he was coming down. We're so happy to have him with us and are not-so-secretly hoping he falls in love with West Palm Beach and decides to move down here.

2//living room naps

Ellie is now 4 months old. Why do I feel like I'm a first time mom all over again sometimes?! She currently takes 95% of her naps on the floor in the living room on a blanket. She's not on any sort of schedule, I just get her to sleep when she starts seeming fussy. There has to be a better way. I just haven't had the time/brain capacity to sit and figure it out logistically. The big plus side? She's stinking' adorable when she sleeps and I can sit and oogle her as long as my heart desires when she's in the same room.

3//sibling love

Ellie is waking up to Reuben and he is loving it. He's always doing stuff to make her laugh, helping her with toys, talking to her, and just generally being an adorable older brother.


"Fall" does not mean fall in south florida. Womp womp. It's hard to get excited about a season when it's still 90 degrees outside and you're in shorts and tank tops. I hear I'll get used to it and grow to love it, but I'm not convinced. Tennessee is too gorgeous to not miss.


I've been working my way through this book over the last few weeks and it is wonderful. Exactly what I need in this phase of life. When I'm done, I'm going to do a whole post about it, but take this little snippet and be encouraged. 
"Great people do not do great things; God does great things THROUGH surrendered people."

What's going on in your world this week?

Linking up for Five on Friday!


  1. Your kids look like they are very close in age like mine!

    1. It doesn't feel like they are, just because I have friends who have them way closer, but in the grand scheme of things they are! They're right at 26 months apart. I LOVE the gap!
